Alone With the Trees


Suddenly, there you are. You’ve been walking along a path through the woods when you realize you are very much Alone With the Trees. And it feels so good to take a moment to appreciate this. The trees are accepting and effortlessly take you into their place of gentle existence. And they for nothings as they share oxygen with you. Is this a good place to spend some time?

More about this painting,

  • it is an invitation to connect, to explore, to feel one with nature
  • the scene is an oasis, a place to step into, a place of tranquility
  • it is an original, one of a kind painting

Is this a painting one to add to your art collection?

Alone With the Trees is painted with acrylic, using my unique pointillist style, on a 30″x30″ gallery profile canvas: the 1.5″ edge is finished black.

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Dimensions 30 × 30 × 1.5 in